The Group offers turnkey Combined Remediation solutions, including; data gaps investigations, microcosm studies using powerful MBT diagnostic tools and analyses, equipment design, system construction, operation, and closeout. Our Combined Remediation strategies, technologies and systems provide a number of customizable approaches to best fit almost any project, timeline, and budget. Whether its a large scale ISTR source zone remediation with heat enhanced closed-loop anaerobic bio-recirculation system to address large dissolved phase groundwater plumes or a few slug injections of nutrient amendments and bioaugmentation cultures following a thermal project, we have industry leading solutions being delivered by world renowned experts.
The conceptual design and remedial strategy of this approach utilizes a critical ISTR component to treat source zone contamination (highest concentrations) in soil and groundwater through steam stripping, direct volatilization, and enhanced evaporative transfer, with a fixed groundwater recirculation system to enhance biotic and abiotic degradation trajectories in the lower impacted regions of the dissolved phase plume. This combined system spatially and temporally combines ISTR source zone remediation of higher impacted soils and groundwater, with varying temperature and remediation strategies throughout the distal and decreasingly contaminant extents of the larger groundwater plume while integrating the technologies strategically within the remedial timeline to maximize shared efficiencies and synergistic effects.
Our team offers turnkey services for the implementation of these combined remedy systems, including; additional microcosm studies, custom equipment designs, system construction, through implementation and project close out. The Group will guide you through the entire process, and ensure your Sites meet project goals in a timely and cost effective manner. By combining technologies and remedial strategies spatially and temporally, The Group is able to increase project efficacy, minimize costs, maximizing your return or remedial investment (RORI).
This approach uses a staged timeline of remedial technology implementation, where ISTR is implemented to remove source zone contamination, but is shut down once residual contaminant levels are low enough to transition to a heat enhanced bio-polishing phase within the source zone area. The bioremediation system can consist of slug injections or closed loop groundwater circulation and amendment delivery systems.
This combined approach can minimize unnecessary energy consumption towards the end of ISTR implementation and maximize the efficacy of bio-polishing in the source zone through enhanced metabolic
Our team offers turnkey services for the implementation of these combined remedy systems, including; additional microcosm studies, custom equipment designs, system construction, through implementation and project close out. The Group will guide you through the entire process, and ensure your Sites meet project goals in a timely and cost effective manner. By combining technologies and remedial strategies spatially and temporally, The Group is able to increase project efficacy, minimize costs, maximizing your return or remedial investment (RORI).
The Group's experts can design and implement the correct combined remediation system and strategy for any Site you may have. Other technology combinations may include thermally catalyzed chemical injection reactions, and spatio-temporally combined technologies such as PRBs, SVE, MPE, etc.
Thermal Remediation, Thermal Remediation Services, Thermal Remediation Technologies, Thermal Remediation Technology, The Remediation Group, The Environmental Remediation Group, Environmental Remediation, In Situ Thermal Remediation, ISTR, In Situ Thermal Remediation Services, Electrical Resistance Heating, ERH, Thermal Conduction Heating, TCH, Ex Situ Thermal Remediation, ESTR, Thermal Remediation, Remediation Services, Remediation Technologies, Aerobic, Anaerobic, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Closed Loop Groundwater Recirculation, Directed Groundwater Recirculation, DGR, Green Remediation, Sustainable Remediation, Alternative Energy, Soil Vapor Extraction, SVE, Multi Phase Extraction, MPE, Air Sparging, Combined Remediation, Combined In Situ Remediation Strategies, Air Movement Technologies.