Multi-phase extraction (MPE), is an in-situ technology that uses pumps or entrainment (slurping) to remove various combinations of aqueous phase contaminated groundwater, as separate-phase contaminant free product occurring as light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) or dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL), and as contaminant mass sorbed to the soil matrix as contaminant vapors. Extracted liquids, NAPLs, and vapor are treated and collected for disposal.
Multi-phase extraction also allows for dewatering the saturated zone, exposing the previously saturated zone to air flow from soil vapor extraction (SVE).
The Group's automated/programmable Multi-Phase Extraction Systems are custom designed for each application, and offered as turnkey services include wellfield and equipment design, subsurface installation, operations, maintenance, through project closeout.
Soil vapor extraction (SVE), is an in situ remedial technology that reduces concentrations of volatile contaminant species adsorbed to soils in the unsaturated (vadose) zone.
In this technology, a vacuum is applied through wells near the source of contamination in the soil. Volatile constituents of the contaminant mass transition to the vapor phase through various physio-chemical mechanisms, and the vapors are drawn toward the extraction wells. Extracted vapor is then treated as necessary (commonly with carbon adsorption) before being released to the atmosphere. The increased air flow through the subsurface can also stimulate aerobic biodegradation of some of the contaminants, especially those that are less volatile. Wells may be either vertical or horizontal. In areas of high groundwater levels, water table depression pumps may be required to offset the effect of upwelling induced by the vacuum.
The Group's automated/programmable Soil Vapor Extraction Systems are custom designed for each application, and offered as turnkey services include wellfield and equipment design, subsurface installation, operations, maintenance, through project closeout.
Air sparging is a subsurface contaminant remediation technique that involves the installation and operation of air injection wells alongside soil vapor extraction wells. The system is operated such that injection of pressurized air into contaminated groundwater and moist soils cause contaminants to transition to the vapor phase, which are then extracted by the soil vapor extraction wells screened in Vadose zone soils.
The Group's automated/programmable Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction Systems are custom designed for each application, and offered as turnkey services include wellfield and equipment design, subsurface installation, operations, maintenance, through project closeout.
Thermal Remediation, Thermal Remediation Services, Thermal Remediation Technologies, Thermal Remediation Technology, The Remediation Group, The Environmental Remediation Group, Environmental Remediation, In Situ Thermal Remediation, ISTR, In Situ Thermal Remediation Services, Electrical Resistance Heating, ERH, Thermal Conduction Heating, TCH, Ex Situ Thermal Remediation, ESTR, Thermal Remediation, Remediation Services, Remediation Technologies, Aerobic, Anaerobic, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Closed Loop Groundwater Recirculation, Directed Groundwater Recirculation, DGR, Green Remediation, Sustainable Remediation, Alternative Energy, Soil Vapor Extraction, SVE, Multi Phase Extraction, MPE, Air Sparging, Combined Remediation, Combined In Situ Remediation Strategies, Air Movement Technologies.