The Group's automated/programmable closed-loop groundwater recirculation systems are designed to extract, heat, and reinject the heated groundwater after it is amended with a mixture of electron donor and nutrients. This mixture of electron donor (i.e. substrate) and nutrients are required for stimulation of microorganisms present in the aquifer. The addition of heat to the extracted groundwater will help maintain the elevated groundwater temperatures that remain after the initial remedial phase (i.e. in situ thermal) which will promote faster growth and metabolic rates for the desired microbial community. This system can be custom designed for anaerobic or aerobic bioremediation applications alike.
Utilizing an automated process for extracting groundwater from the aquifer, heating it to 95-110 degrees F, adding electron donor and nutrients, and reinjection of the amended water to the aquifer will significantly shorten remedial timeframes.
A wealth of successful heat-enhanced bioremediation projects, backed by comprehensive research and publications,
indicate that at elevated temperatures up to ~105˚F (~40 ˚C), anaerobic dehalorespiring bacteria degradation kinetics
increase significantly, reducing remedial times frames by up to 50% of the time that would have otherwise been required at
ambient temperatures, which is even further compounded by the added efficiencies of the recirculation component
to this approach.
The Group offers closed loop automated recirculation systems that can optimize nutrients, groundwater geochemistry, and DO levels prior to reinjection, optimizing groundwater conditions as the system promotes increased contact and artificially induced transport mechanisms.
The programmable system can be modified throughout the operation based on ongoing performance data, which will optimize the supply of nutrient and amendment distribution within the target treatment zone and allows targeting of zones that may have higher or persistent concentrations of contaminants. The programmable system is capable of pulse-injection of the substrate to prevent injection well biofouling, and can be utilized to make ongoing pH adjustments. The recirculation loop also has the added benefit of providing a degree of hydraulic plume control to protect downgradient receptors and limit further LNAPL, DNAPL, and aqueous phase petroleum hydrocarbon migration.
Our team offers turnkey services for the implementation of these systems, including; additional microcosm studies, custom equipment designs, through implementation and project close out. The Group will guide you through the entire process, and ensure your petroleum impacted Sites meet project goals in a timely and cost effective manner.
The Group's automated/programmable closed-loop anaerobic groundwater recirculation systems are designed to extract, and reinject the extracted groundwater after it is amended with a mixture of electron donor and nutrients and augmentation cultures (when necessitated), optimizing anaerobic groundwater conditions as the system promotes increased contact and artificially induced transport mechanisms. This mixture of electron donor (i.e. substrate) and nutrients are required for stimulation of microorganisms present in the aquifer.
The programmable system can be modified throughout the operation based on ongoing performance data, which will optimize the supply of electron donor distribution within the target treatment zone and allows targeting of zones that may have higher or persistent concentrations of contaminants. The programmable system is capable of pulse-injection of the substrate to prevent injection well biofouling, and can be utilized to make ongoing pH adjustments. The recirculation loop also has the added benefit of providing a degree of hydraulic plume control to protect downgradient receptors and limit further DNAPL, and aqueous phase CVOC migration.
Our team offers turnkey services for the implementation of these systems, including; additional microcosm studies, custom equipment designs, through implementation and project close out. The Group will guide you through the entire process, and ensure your chlorinated solvent impacted Sites meet project goals in a timely and cost effective manner.
Slug injections, sometimes offer the simplest most cost effective solution for low concentration plumes in suitable hydrogeologic conditions. Our team of knowledgeable experts can help design and implement the best approach to maximize efficacy of amendment and augmentation injections.
Thermal Remediation, Thermal Remediation Services, Thermal Remediation Technologies, Thermal Remediation Technology, The Remediation Group, The Environmental Remediation Group, Environmental Remediation, In Situ Thermal Remediation, ISTR, In Situ Thermal Remediation Services, Electrical Resistance Heating, ERH, Thermal Conduction Heating, TCH, Ex Situ Thermal Remediation, ESTR, Thermal Remediation, Remediation Services, Remediation Technologies, Aerobic, Anaerobic, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Closed Loop Groundwater Recirculation, Directed Groundwater Recirculation, DGR, Green Remediation, Sustainable Remediation, Alternative Energy, Soil Vapor Extraction, SVE, Multi Phase Extraction, MPE, Air Sparging, Combined Remediation, Combined In Situ Remediation Strategies, Air Movement Technologies.