The Environmental Remediation Group's President, Rob D'Anjou, will be giving a talk at the Long Beach, CA & San Diego, CA Hydrocarbons & Halogens Enviro Workshop Events March 28th and 30th titled, "Creative Thermal Technologies and Thoughtful Remediation Strategies to Maximize Returns on Remedial Investments." During this presentation, Rob will provide an overview of various in situ remediation technologies, combined remediation approaches, and implementation strategies which help ensure remediation efforts meet stringent clean-up criteria expeditiously, with confidence, and at lower total life-cycle costs than traditional strategies and approaches to hydrocarbon and halogenated contaminant remediation afford.
Maximizing the return on remedial investment for any environmental remediation project is not as linear or simple as upfront project costs, and must consider the full breadth of tangible and intangible benefits to remediating a contaminated Site, including increased property values, reduced liability, lower costs associated with regulatory compliance as well as improved public health and environmental quality, reduced environmental risks, and improved community relations.
Total project costs, timeline to closure, end-point & closure criteria, and life-cycle sustainability of the remediation effort all impact the ultimate return on remedial investment for a given Site. Rob’s presentation will outline important considerations across the entire remediation project life-cycle, from early site characterization and CSM development, remedial system design, implementation and optimization, project management, and close-out, that help maximize RORI, citing case studies and examples of how these creative approaches to environmental remediation can be masterfully implemented.
Long Beach , CA
Don't miss this event! ERG will provide an overview of various in situ remediation technologies, combined remediation approaches, and implem...
Long Beach , CA
San Diego , CA
If you missed our talk in Long Beach, catch us in San Diego! ERG will be giving a repeat performance of our talk titled, " Creative Thermal ...
San Diego , CA
Thermal Remediation, Thermal Remediation Services, Thermal Remediation Technologies, Thermal Remediation Technology, The Remediation Group, The Environmental Remediation Group, Environmental Remediation, In Situ Thermal Remediation, ISTR, In Situ Thermal Remediation Services, Electrical Resistance Heating, ERH, Thermal Conduction Heating, TCH, Ex Situ Thermal Remediation, ESTR, Thermal Remediation, Remediation Services, Remediation Technologies, Aerobic, Anaerobic, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Closed Loop Groundwater Recirculation, Directed Groundwater Recirculation, DGR, Green Remediation, Sustainable Remediation, Alternative Energy, Soil Vapor Extraction, SVE, Multi Phase Extraction, MPE, Air Sparging, Combined Remediation, Combined In Situ Remediation Strategies, Air Movement Technologies.