Jim Keegan’s experience spans more than two decades of engineering and leadership excellence. Mr. Keegan currently serves as the President of CES group and Chief Financial Officer of The Environmental Remediation Group, of which he is one of the founding members. Mr. Keegan is a registered Professional Civil Engineer in California and a Registered Environmental Assessor (REA) also in California. As CFO of The Group, he directs and oversees the financial activities of the company. As a board member, and President of CES Group, Mr. Keegan is a trusted technical and financial advisor, offering invaluable business leadership to The Group from his personal experiences running successful environmental companies for the last twenty years.
Mr. Keegan obtained a Bachelors degree in Aerospace Engineering from California Polytechnic University. Shortly thereafter, he served our country as a US Navy Nuclear Engineering officer aboard a fast attack submarine, where he gained further engineering and leadership experience. Mr. Keegan obtained Quality Assurance and a Nuclear Engineering certificates from the US Navy. His technical and leadership excellence lead to him being awarded a Navy achievement medal, a Congressional Meritorious Commendation as well as several other commendations. His educational history also consists of a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from California State University at Fullerton.
Mr. Keegan environmental experience consists of more than 20 years of environmental engineering, site assessment, and remediation. He has participated in more than 450 environmental projects covering a wide range of projects. He has overseen business operations throughout the United States and internationally in such countries as Brazil, France and England. Mr. Keegan has also been an environmental remediation instructor for the National Groundwater Association.
Thermal Remediation, Environmental Remediation, In Situ Thermal Remediation, ISTR, Electrical Resistance Heating, ERH, Thermal Conduction Heating, TCH, Ex Situ Thermal Remediation, ESTR, Thermal Remediation, Remediation Services, Remediation Technologies, Aerobic, Anaerobic, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Closed Loop Groundwater Recirculation, Green Remediation, Sustainable Remediation, Alternative Energy, Soil Vapor Extraction, SVE, Multi Phase Extraction, MPE, Air Sparging, Combined Remediation, Combined In Situ Remediation Strategies, Air Movement Technologies.